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    The Complete Guide For A Successful Interview

    Job interviews never seem to get easier even if you have been to many interviews before. Because every time you will be meeting with new and different people and you have to show your skills and prove yourself. And this can become stressful demanding if you r\really want to get hired for the position. But there are some easy and effective ways you can make the whole process less stressful.

    Preparing for an interview takes lot of efforts then just getting dressed and preparing Q&As. It the whole process and if done right It can make you stand out from other candidates and you can land a desired job.

    Look Presentation:

    First and foremost, part is your look. Believe it or not your look, your outer appearance starts speaking for you before you evens tart a conversation. Present yourself good In front of interviewers.

    Your outfit should be neat, tidy and appropriate. Prepare and decide in advance on your look for the interview. This includes your hair, shoes, things you will be caring etc. This will save you from unnecessary stress of selecting things and getting ready for the day.

    First impression counts, so make sure you find about the company and their professional ware. For example, if you are going for an interview for a global company and you are going to be interviewed for a higher position, make sure you dress to impress. If it’s a fashion industry you might to go for a formal casual then completely formal. By dressing right and appropriate for the company and role you make interviewers start visualizing you in that role already.

    It’s not an exam: Just do some Research and prepare yourself.

    Remember Job interview is not an exam. You don’t have to study for hours for interview. Do some research about the company and the industry. Go through job description and note down details what exactly they are looking for. Brush up on your skills and find out how you can highlight your education, skills and experience to connect to their position requirements.

    Get organized:

    Get your portfolio and documents ready and clutter free. When you are asked to present, you should be able to take it our right away without struggling to look for it. Get some extra copies of your resumes with you. you never know you might get asked for the copies even if you have submitted when you applied.

    Be On time which means early (Not Too Early):

    Plan on how you will be going and how much time it will take. What time you need to be leaving to reach there at certain time. Be there early but not too early. Planning your route will give you enough time on the day to be stress be and you will be more focused on your performance.

    Greet Everyone:

    When you arrive at the company, Greet everyone you meet with. Be polite. The interview might be with only few at the company but Sometimes other staff and employees do get asked and give their opinion on candidates so make sure your behavior with everyone is appropriate and polite. People prefer to hire a polite person with less skills than a rude one with experienced and knowledge.

    Make a connect with interviewers: Remember their names during introduction and call them by names.

    Questions & Answers:

    1. Tell Me about yourself:

    This is one of the most common questions asked in interviews. Its broad and open-ended question. So, it might seem like that it’s a very easy to answer because you know all about yourself but answering in context of job interview and company can be very complicated. That’s why it’s also one of the trickiest questions.

    Here the interviewer is not asking about your personal life and choices. So, make sure you keep your answer very professional and job related. You don’t need to be too detailed. Just give 2-3 sentences about your career path.

    You can prepare for this in advance and use this prompt question to your advantage. Start with your current role, position or education and work experiences. Include details which are in job requirements.

    2. Why do you want to work for this company?

    This is basic question but if you have done enough research about the company and its product and services, you can show the connection between your experience/education and position requirement.

    The hiring manager wants to why you are interested in working fore the company and what do you know about the company. So, speak truth fully about your desire to work there.

    3. Why do you want to leave your current job? /Why did you apply/ why are you looking to change?

    By asking this question, interviewers weren’t to dig in more to find about if you are genuinely looking or are you into long term commitment or you will be switching too often.

    Your situation could be anything. You are changing job, or got laid off or fired and looking, recently graduate and applied. Doesn’t matter what your situation is answer honestly. Know why you are looking for a job and interested in the particular position you applied for and convey it to interviewers honestly.

    4. Why should we hire you? Why do you think you are a good fit for the role?

    Make sure you prepare for this answer. One way or the other it is going to be asked. Know your worth. Jot down your work experience, your strength, your education. Go through job description requirements and highlight on the skills that you have required for the job. Connect your education and experience and make appoint that how you will utilize your knowledge and expertise in this role if hired.

    If you don’t have any previous job experience don’t get nervous. Draw interviewer’s attention on your academics, any research or any internship you have been part of and how you handled and delivered quality of your work during your time as a student. Mention how you are ready to put your best foot forward in professional career with this role. Here you can also mention about the passion for the industry and your desire to work for the company.

    5. How do you handle conflicts or stress at work?

    This is one of those behavioral questions where interviewers want to know more about your way of handling conflicts and stress.

    Prepare for this so that you can describe in detail without searching for any incidents when you are facing interview. You don’t have to memorize everything but know about what type of situation or experience you are going to talk about.

    For conflict, mention how you handled dis agreements and different opinion form colleagues and peers. Always answer this in appositive way. You can mention how everyone’s opinion matters but at the end of the day it’s all about working as a team and doing what is right.

    For managing stress or multi-tasking:

    Describe how you have handled a project or task with short time and completed on time by being a team player and coordinating with managers.

    For a non-experience person, describe about your stress management skills during studies, projects summer job. How you are a fast learner. It’s all about conveying your message right and make them understand how you are a good fit for the role.

    6. Tell us about your weakness?

    This is very tricky and always get candidates nervous. Remember here they are asking about weakness but that doesn’t mean you have to down play yourself. Mention those times when you were all caught up in a difficult situation and show how you came out of it. Mention your weakness but end your story in a positive note. For example, you can mention how detail oriented you are that sometimes it takes away much of your time but at the end you realized that the quality of work delivered but I need to work on this to make it quicker.

    7. Where do you see yourself in next five years?

    Here interviewers want to know how genuine and passionate about your work ..and are you going to be loyal to the company ?

    Do not mention that you want to be a supervisor/director or at some position in five years. Though it’s a good thing to be ambitious but this is not how you should convey your message in the interview…

    Start with learning curve in your career and how you appreciate to be a part of the industry and how you like what you do. Always mention that you would like to learn and improve everyday and you see yourself in the same industry after five years.


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