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    When You Feel Like Giving Up: Follow These 9 Simple Ways

    We all have been there when we really get stuck in a situation and at some point we feel like giving up.

    What can you do to overcome this phase of quitting?

    well there are some simple and effective ways to develop a never give up attitude.

    1.Why: The very first thing to understand is that ask your self ‘Why’. consider 2 why’s in this conversation with yourself

    1. Why did you start and how much you really want this?

    2. Why do you want to give up?

    Now analyze both whys will find reasons for starting and circumstances why you want to give up.

    2. No Option For Giving Up;

    Don’t give yourself an option to give up. No successful people have achieved success without going through failures. Accept your failures, learn from your mistakes and keep trying. Being persistent is the key to success.

    3.Slow Down To Speed Up:

    Slow down to speed up: working too hard and facing all the challenges sometimes becomes difficult to keep going. People usually give up because of hardship , obstacles and taking too long to achieve results. This results in disappointments. So take a break , relax and rejuvenate. It’s good to slow down to speed up.

    4. Visualization:

    Visualize the ultimate result: visualization has a great impact on how you deal with your current situation. Visualize how and what is going to be when you finally achieve what you worked so hard for.

    5. Evaluation/Re-Evaluation:

    Re evaluate your situation from outside: evaluate what are the obstacles and challenges are there which is blocking you to move forward.

    6. Plan:

    Plan how you are going to deal with each problem and challenge to make it a smooth ride to achieving your results. Planning properly can give you clear idea and will take away most of the stress.

    7. It Is Ok To Ask For Help:

    Get help from people who have knowledge and expertise in the field. It is also a good idea to get support from friends and family. Ask for help and advise whenever you feel stuck and feel like giving up.

    8. Celebrate:

    Track your small achievements along the way and celebrate it. Acknowledging the achievements and victories will keep you motivated to move further.

    9. Keep It Very Simple :

    Do not complicate the process with overthinking and bombarding yourself with too many things. Plan organize and manage your time. Do a Stress Free Time Management.

    Ultimately it all come down to having a little conversation with yourself and moving forward with a bit of planning and motivation to keep you going.


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